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How to create a new vehicle type
How to create a new vehicle type
Updated over 2 months ago

Vehicle types that can be defined in the software have the following sections:

  • Configuration

  • Option

  • Services

  • Icon


Configuration includes basic information that introduces the vehicle and distinguishes it from other vehicles. The information that falls into this category includes the following:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Priority

  • Search radius

  • Zones

  • Is active


It's the name or main title of the vehicle, which is usually the category of the vehicle.

For example, "Truck" can be a title for a vehicle that contains all vehicles that are in the truck category.


The description helps to better introduce the vehicle. For example, one of the vehicle descriptions can be as follows: "From 7.5 Tonne to 44 Tonne.”


The numeric value of the Priority field specifies the position of the vehicle where the list of vehicles is displayed. The reason for such a priority in the vehicle data is that you may want to change the order in which vehicles are displayed to customers. The value that the Priority accepts is from the natural numbers with zero {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}. A priority value of 0 is the highest, and vehicles assigned a priority of 0 will be displayed at the top-left of the list. The next priorities are the numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., and n, respectively.

Search radius

In the on-demand orders workflow, the finding driver algorithm searches for suitable drivers based on a radius. This radius is set in the vehicle configuration. The unit of the search radius is the meter, and it considers the pickup location as the center of the search circle. For example, if the search radius has been set to 5000 meters when customers place orders, the Finding Drivers algorithm searches in a circle with the center of the pickup location and a search radius of 5000 meters.


Zones are areas where your business provides services. In the vehicle configuration, you can specify in which zones the defined vehicle is allowed to provide services. These zones must be pre-defined in the zones section so that a list of them can be seen here. For example, if you defined two zones in the zone settings, you can see the list of them in the zones field of configuration and add them to the vehicle. The vehicle is allowed to get orders in these zones.

Is active

Vehicles that are defined can be activated or deactivated. If the vehicle is active, it is displayed in the list of vehicles in the customer application. Otherwise, it will not be displayed anywhere.


Vehicle options are usually additional and optional services that are provided alongside the original service that the vehicle or driver presents. For example, one of the options for the vehicle can be "Helper." A helper is a person who helps the customer or driver do a job. If the customers want to place an order with the helper option, they can select this option from the list, and you can consider an additional fee for this option. In the customer applications (mobile and web apps,) the vehicle options are displayed as follows:


Each vehicle is allowed to accept orders only in the services specified for it. These services should be selected from the list of services that were defined in the Services section. In the Customer Application, after selecting the service, on the order sending page, vehicles will be displayed to the customers who are allowed to perform them.

For example, allowed services for the vehicle of Van can be as follows: Box, Doc, Gift, and Shopping. If the customers select any of these services in the Customer Application, they will see the Van vehicle in the list of vehicles:


The Icon is an image of the vehicle that usually matches the title, and by looking at it, you can understand the type of vehicle. In the definition of each vehicle, an icon can be uploaded to display along with other vehicle information.

The image that is uploaded as a vehicle icon should have the following specifications:

  • PNG format

  • Square size

  • Align center

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