The wallet represents the total of all transactions. We record separate transactions for drivers and customers for various purposes, and we'll discuss these transactions here.
Types of driver transactions
The driver's wallet balance is influenced by the following factors:
Using the payment gateway to top up the wallet.
Increasing/decreasing balance by support
Completing the order with the wallet payment method (if their working type is commission-based)
Completing the order with the cash payment method (if their working type is commission-based)
Completing a withdrawal request by the Admin
The following is a list of the different types of transactions that can be recorded for a driver. These transactions might be debtors or creditors.
Order: The amount added to the driver's wallet is recorded as an order transaction when the earning setting in the driver's working type is commission-based.
Example: The effect of an online-paid order is analyzed in the following scenario.
Order Fee: $10
Customer Payment Type: Wallet (online - credit)
Driver Working Type: Commission-based
Percentage of Commission (business share): 10%
Recorded Transaction for the Driver: $9 (Creditor)
In this case, the driver's wallet balance increases by $9 after completing the order.
Payment: Drivers can top up their wallets through the driver application if the software is connected to a payment gateway. When they top up their wallet balance, creditor transaction is recorded for this transaction. The type of this transaction is Payment.
Example: The driver's wallet balance is initially zero. In other words, no transaction has yet been recorded in the software for them.
If the driver intends to increase his balance by $10, the funds will be in their wallet following the online payment procedure. In this case, a payment (creditor) transaction is logged.
It is impossible to top up the balance if the wallet is turned off in the driver's working type.
Support: The admin dashboard can create a new transaction for a driver. These transactions increase/decrease the driver’s balance directly.
Commission: This transaction is only for drivers who work on a commission basis. This type of transaction is used to record the commission they must pay to the company. Here are two cases in point.
Order Fee: $10
Customer Payment Type: Cash
Driver Working Type: Commission-based
Percentage of Commission (business share): 20%
Recorded Transaction for the Driver: $2 Commission (Debtor)
This example indicates that the driver must pay the company $2 of the $10 received in cash from the customer. As a result, the driver's wallet balance is decreased by $2.
Order Fee: $10
Customer Payment Type: Wallet (Credit)
Driver Working Type: Commission-based
Percentage of Commission (business share): 20%
Recorded Transaction for the Driver: $2 Commission (Debtor) | $10 Commission (Creditor)
This case implies that the driver must pay the company $2 of the money received on credit from the customer. As a result, the driver's wallet balance is increased by $8 (10 - 2 = 8)
Withdraw: Drivers have the option to request a withdrawal. If the wallet balance is a positive amount, the company owes the driver money. (The company has given the driver a credit in the amount of the balance.) If the driver wants the company to provide him with his wallet balance, he must do so through the driver application.
The company examines this request, and if approved, a withdrawal (Debtor) transaction will be recorded for the driver. If the sum is $10, the driver's wallet will be decreased by $10.
Income: This type of transaction is not considered when calculating wallet balance. When calculating the driver's records (the sum of the cost of the orders he has completed), a transaction of the type of income is recorded for each order, regardless of whether it is cash or credit. This transaction is used to generate information like driver performance.
COD: COD or cash on delivery is the type of cash that the driver has to receive from the delivery point when they’ve delivered an order. The amount of COD can be specified when the order is being created and this amount would be shown to the driver as a reminder.
Order fee: $15
Customer payment method: Cash
COD: $50
In this example, the driver has to collect $50 extra as COD and collect $15 from the sender.
The COD transaction is a debtor. It’s deducted from the driver’s wallet balance.
Types of customer transactions
The driver's wallet balance is influenced by the following factors:
Using the payment gateway to top up the wallet
increasing/decreasing balance by support
Creating orders with the wallet payment method
When using the wallet as a payment method, blocked transactions decrease the wallet balance (during an active order)
The following is a list of the different types of transactions that can be recorded for a customer. These transactions might be debtor or creditor in nature.
Order: A debtor transaction is equal to the cost of the order when a customer places an order with the payment method of wallet, and the order is fulfilled successfully.
Example: If a customer's wallet balance is $10 and the order fee is $6, the wallet balance will be $4 once the driver has completed the order. ($10 - $6 = $4)
Payment: Customers can top up their wallets if the software is linked to a payment gateway. It will increase the balance in their wallet by which a creditor transaction is recorded. this type of transaction is called payment.
Example: The customer's wallet balance is initially zero. In other words, no transaction has yet been recorded in the software for them.
If the customer decides to increase their balance by $10, the money will be in their wallet following the payment procedure. For them, a payment transaction of payment (creditor) type is recorded.
Support: The admin user/support can create a new transaction for a customer. These transactions change the customer’s wallet balance directly. The customer balance can be increased or decreased immediately with these transactions.
Blocked: This transaction is temporarily used. A transaction is recorded in the amount of the order cost of the blocked (debtor) type when a customer places an order with a wallet payment method. It signifies that the money is taken from the customer's wallet.
The transaction will be removed if the order is not completed or failed (for example, if the order is canceled) The blocked transaction is removed if the order is completed and a new order transaction will be recorded for the customer
Promotion: This type of transaction is not considered when calculating the customer's wallet balance. The discount amount is saved as a promotion transaction when the customer uses the promotion code.
For example, if a customer places a $10 order and applies a 20% discount code, the system records a $2 promotion transaction.
COD: COD or cash on delivery allows customers to select an amount that should be received from the delivery point. This amount can be entered while creating an order and will be shown to the driver when they accept this order.
Example: The customer selected $50 as COD. Now the driver will know they have to collect $50 extra from the order receiver at the delivery point.