Support is available in various aspects of the system. Both customer and driver applications have a support item in the main menu that includes the following features:
Driver Online Chat
Online chat URL in the driver app can be edited in the admin dashboard at the mentioned path below:
Admin Center → Settings → Company Profile → Contact Information → Driver Support Chat URL
You can use any link to any chat page as driver support chat URL.
For example: (WhatsApp)
Choose a Subject
This section provides a list of frequently encountered support subjects. Users can select one of the subjects and provide a description.
The admin dashboard is where you can manage this list. Topics can be defined based on common customer and driver support issues. Once defined, customers or drivers can choose a topic, provide a description, and send their message.
To view messages sent by customers and drivers, navigate to the Support section in the admin center.
Manage Support Subjects: To manage your support topics, go to:
Admin Center → Settings → Support Subjects
Add a New Topic
Click the new record button and fill out the fields below to include a new subject.
For: Specify whether this is for customer or driver support.
Title: Provide a title for the support topic.
Description: This field will be displayed when users enter their descriptions.
Managing Support Subjects
In this section, you will find a list of predefined topics. You have the option to delete or edit them.