Every order in ONRO has a shipment label. The shipment label is made in a 2x3 inch size and includes information that may be needed during the delivery process.
Shipment label parts
Order info:
Order type
Service type
Creation date and time
Order number
You can claim the info the barcode includes. it can be the order number or the reference ID.
Customer info:
Name and phone number
Pickup info:
Sender name and phone number
Schedule date and time (If the order pickup isn’t scheduled, this field won’t be shown)
Dropoff info:
Receiver name and phone number
Schedule date and time (If the order dropoff isn’t scheduled, this field won’t be shown)
Shipment label settings
You can customize the information shown on the shipment label to fit your needs. To access these settings, navigate to:
Admin Center → Settings tab → Shipment label (Barcode)
This tab allows you to modify the shipment label settings as desired.
Accessing the shipment label
Management console
There are several ways for management console users to access shipment labels:
Orders tab
One way to access shipment label is through the orders tab:
Admin Center -> Orders tab → Select or bulk-select order(s) → Shipment label
The shipment labels of the selected orders will be downloaded and can be viewed in a single file (Bulk download.)
2. Routes tab
Another way to view the shipment label is through the routes tab:
Admin Center -> Routes tab → Select the route → Select the order → click the three-dot button → Shipment label
3. Admin page
The user can also access the shipment label via the admin page:
Admin Center → Orders → Action → Shipment label
Driver apps
Drivers can view and download the shipment label directly from the order details within the app.
Customer apps
Customers can access and download the shipment label through the order detail list on the mobile or web app.
In the customer web portal, the orders shipment labels can be downloaded together the same as in the management console (Bulk download.)