Delivery orders in the ONRO P&D order type require drivers to load them at the warehouse/hub before starting their route to deliver them to customers.
When the management console user creates a new route for these orders, they can choose whether to enable the drivers to load deliveries before they start the route or not.
If the route includes the load option for deliveries, the driver clicks on the scan button on the app to open the camera, scans the order’s shipment label, and loads the packages.
The number of available delivery orders, successful parcels that are loaded by scanning, and the list of them are also shown here.
Load delivery options
When a new route is created, the load delivery option can be enabled or disabled for that route.
Three options are available:
No: The driver can start the route without loading deliveries.
Optional: The driver can choose to scan delivery orders to load them or start the route without loading.
Force: The driver must scan delivery orders to load them when they first start the route at the warehouse/hub.
After completing this step, the driver can start the route to deliver the parcels they have loaded from the warehouse.