The number of decimal places in each currency varies. For instance, in the dollar, values such as 1.48 and 2.34 are accepted, while 3.33 is generally not used in other currencies like the Malaysian ringgit. Whole numbers like 7 and 18 are valid.
The step price varies, being 100 or 10 in different countries. Therefore, the system must ensure accurate calculations.
To manage these settings, navigate to the admin center and follow to rest:
Admin Center → Settings → Payment / Pricing
Three positions are calculated under this setup:
Commission: The commission is paid to drivers in commission-based work. It is a percentage of the total order cost. The entered amount is rounded up for the driver's and the company's earnings.
Promotion: When a customer applies a discount code, the deducted discount amount is referred to as a promotion.
Order price: Order cost
Round step configurations
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Commission Round Step
Some drivers work on a commission-based model. The driver's commission is a percentage of the total order cost.
For instance, if the order costs $10 and the commission rate is 22%, the driver's commission to the company is $2.26. Here are some rounding examples:
Input 1 results in $2.
Input 0.1 results in $2.2.
Input 0.01 results in $2.26.
Promotion Round Step
When a discount code is applied, this setting determines how the discount amount is rounded up.
For example, with an order price of $1360 and a 13% discount (amounting to $176.8), different settings yield:
If the value of this setting is 10, a discount of $180 is considered.
If the value of this setting is 100, a discount of $200 is considered.
If the value of this setting is 0.1, a discount of $178.8 is considered.
If the value of this setting is 0.01, a discount of $178.80 is considered.
Order Price Round Step
This parameter is used to set the rounding step when calculating the final order cost that the customer must pay. Depending on your country or business practices, you can apply precise price changes, but sometimes rounding is necessary due to pricing being based on distances or time.
For instance, if your current currency ranges from 100 to 300, you should set this number to 100. Alternatively, if your prices include cents, like 1.29 or 5.00, you can set it to 0.01.