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How to control information visibility for drivers
How to control information visibility for drivers
Updated this week

In this article we discuss some settings of the driver app and whether to show it to them or not.

To access this setting, visit the page below in the Admin Center:

Accounting → Working Type → New Record / Action (Edit a Working Type)

Showing Price

The order price is displayed to the driver when this field is activated. The driver won't be able to see the order price if it's disabled.

You can see its active and inactive modes in the image below.

Showing Wallet

By disabling this field, the wallet menu in the driver application is inactivated and prevented from appearing. It becomes visible when activated.

You can see its active and inactive modes in the image below.

Showing Earning

Enabling this field will display the driver's earnings in the order information. If disabled, the driver won't be able to view their earnings in the driver’s application.

You can see its active and inactive modes in the image below.

Earning Editable

When this field is enabled, earnings can be edited. The Dispatcher Panel allows editing of earnings in the "Edit Order" section.

You can see its active and inactive modes in the image below.

Showing Order Type Label

In the driver application, a label is used to show the order type of orders. This label can be employed to either conceal or reveal the order type.

You can see its active and inactive modes in the image below.

Showing Payment Instruction

While a driver is handling an order, an instructional message will be displayed to guide them in making decisions about payment, including whether they need to collect cash or not. This message is presented to the driver when this field is activated.

You can see its active and inactive modes in the image below.

Can Cancel Order

Enabling this setting allows drivers to cancel an assigned order.

You can see its active and inactive modes in the image below.

Showing Orders Tab

Enabling this section will allow the driver to see order list in the driver application.

You can see its active and inactive modes in the image below.

Showing Address

If you want your drivers to see the pick-up and drop-off addresses when they get an order offer you can activate this option.

You can see its active and inactive modes in the image below.

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