In this article, we discuss editing order price, address, and driver earnings.
To do so we have to go to the dispatcher panel.
Edit Oder Price
To edit the price of an order follow the path below:
Dispatcher → Select an Order → Click on Pencil Icon → Price & Earning
2. In the opened window, you can edit each component that contributes to the final order price.
3. Click on “Save Price” to apply the new price to the order.
Edit Order Earning
To edit the earning of the driver of an order follow the path below:
Dispatcher → Select an Order → Click on Pencil Icon → Price & Earning
2. In the opened window, you can edit each part of the driver’s earning.
3. Click on “Save Earning” to apply the new changes to the driver’s earning.
Edit Addresses
To edit the address of an order follow the path below:
Dispatcher → Select an Order → Click on Pencil Icon → Addresses
2. In the opened window, you can edit the pick-up address, and drop-off address, or even add a new drop-off. After that, the price of the edited order will be calculated and shown to you.
3. Click on “Edit Order” to apply the changes to your order and to calculate the new price.